Many Spanish and international media have praised the publishing of the ‘Gold Book of Guerrilla Marketing’.

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    TV channels, newspapers, radio stations and websites around the world highlight the event with abundant positive feedback.

    Chinese state television CCTV broadcasted on several of its news shows that “guerrilla marketing is a form of art that reaches the public in a different way. It uses ingenuity, creativity and surprise rather than traditional media. Manuel Romero is a Spanish expert in this field.” In this report, the journalist Rubén Mato states that "the work Manuel Romero makes is not traditional at all and it doesn’t go unnoticed."

    In Dubai, the most prestigious Arab newspaper, Emarat Al Yaoum, states in an article by Awad Khairi, that “Manuel Romero has been able to achieve his dreams and goals as an expert in promotion and publicity.” He also adds that “he has left a mark in the world of marketing.”

    In Germany, ZDF, through its Madrid correspondent Susanne Freitag, highlights the work of Manuel Romero in a historical event like the fall of the Berlin Wall, turned by the author into monuments of Peace in Navarra and Freedom in Madrid.

    In Spain, the praise of the book is placed, for example, in the words of Susanna Griso, who in her Antena 3 TV show ‘Espejo Público’, and with great visual display of the work, said effusively: "It's a luxurious book that looks like a gold ingot, of which Manuel Romero appears on the cover, camouflaged as a guerrilla marketer. Marvellous, I recommend it.”

    On the Onda Cero radio station, Isabel Gemio, in her weekend show ‘Te doy mi palabra’, says that Manuel Romero “has achieved unique milestones as guerrilla marketer. The book is interesting because, aside of the wonderful edition, with 800 or 900 pictures of everything you've done [...], the truth is that you are bold, original and different; It’s a beautiful book.”

    Meanwhile, in El Periodico de Catalunya, Juan Fernandez, in a Sunday double-page feature article titled ‘The art of hitting the nail’, he writes: "In the presence of Romero let yourself break schemes and welcome surprise and paradox.” He adds: "Much of the success of his actions fell on that spark of madness which illuminated his mind for a moment."

    El Mundo has echoed the publication of the book through several platforms, both in the newspaper, where the journalist Loreto Sanchez Seoane said: “Manuel Romero has managed to see in every historic event the perfect advertising medium”;, where in an online article and a video interview of Cristina Luis describes the book as the “most shocking” collection of marketing actions by Manuel Romero.

    The Vocento group has published on its network of provincial newspapers (Diario de Navarra, Diario Vasco, Ideal de Granada, Diario Montañés de Santander, Hoy de Badajoz, El Correo de Bilbao, El Comercio de Gijón, La Verdad de Murcia, La Rioja y Sur de Malaga) an article authored by Óscar Bellot entitled ‘The deeds of a guerrilla marketer’, which invites you to discover the adventures that give birth to each of the 27 promotional acts that the author shows in the book.

    Many other mainstream media, such as La Razón and La Vanguardia, both in Spain; or in Colombia; or more specialised, such as,,, MK Marketing + Ventas or; appreciate the appeal of the content and the editing of the book and mention the pioneering actions made by Manuel Romero in the field of marketing.

    On the radio, SER, COPE and Europa FM –where Julie Thomasoro conducted an extensive interview with the author in ‘La Noche es Nuestra’– the new editorial and creative capacity of the author echoed through the sound waves. And on Twitter, even CNN highlighted on its official account the uniqueness of the work.


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